Fever Management: Current Strategies in Patients with Infection
Hildegarde (Hildy) M. Schell-Chaple, PhD, RN, CCRN, CCNS, FAAN
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Recent evidence on the management of fever in patients with infection/sepsis and the impact on patient outcomes have challenged traditional practice of critical care clinicians. This session reviews the current evidence regarding the monitoring of the patient with fever; the impact of fever on outcomes in patients with infection or sepsis; and the efficacy of antipyretic medications and physical cooling on fever.
Learning Objectives
After completion of this activity, the learner will be able to:
Describe the etiologies of fever (infectious, noninfectious), the fever response, and risks-benefits of treating fever.
List the impact of the fever suppression interventions on patient signs and symptoms and outcomes
List the mechanism of action, physiologic response, and adverse effects of antipyretic medications and physical cooling.
Hildegarde (Hildy) M. Schell-Chaple, PhD, RN, CCRN, CCNS, FAAN
Dr. Schell-Chaple is a Critical Care Clinical Nurse Specialist at University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) Medical Centre with 25 years of experience leading interprofessional teams at UCSF Medical Center that aimed to optimize safe and high quality evidence-based care to critically ill patients. Dr. Schell-Chaple has published and presented on numerous topics including care of critically ill patients with sepsis, multi-organ dysfunction, ARDS, liver dysfunction, fever, AKI and ensuring quality and safety of CRRT care. She is currently in a leadership position in the department of Patient Safety and Regulatory Affairs at the University of California, San Francisco Health System and is Associate Clinical Professor at the UCSF School of Nursing.